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Gentleman's Journal

Linen shirts: an essential summer staple

Linen shirts blend comfort and style effortlessly, making them a must-have in your summer wardrobe.

Custom polos - The ultimate luxury piece for your summer wardrobe


Indulge in sartorial sophistication with our meticulously hand-crafted custom polos, exquisitely made Italy using the finest silk and cashmere blend sourced from Cariaggi.

Crafting Your Signature Style: The Essence of Made-to-Measure

In the world of tailored menswear, made-to-measure (MTM) offers a unique blend of individual expression and impeccable fit. Unlike off-the-rack options, MTM garments are meticulously crafted to your specifications, allowing you to curate a wardrobe that reflects your distinct style. With a vast selection of fabrics and customizable details like pockets, linings and buttons, MTM ensures a truly personalized garment that tells your style story with precision.

Elevate your shirt wardrobe: embrace luxury with our Swiss fabrics

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of ALUMO’s new collection of exquisite shirting fabrics. For over five decades, we have had the privilege of partnering with this esteemed luxury mill, renowned for its unparalleled quality and craftsmanship.

Personalized Perfection: Your Denim, Your Way!

Step into luxury with our custom-made denim collection, where each pair is meticulously crafted to reflect your unique style.


Refine your winter wardrobe

Treat yourself to something extraordinary this winter. Take advantage and invest in these winter staples with exclusive promotional pricing.


Custom-made shoes...a MUST for discerning gentlemen!

Whether you need a specific size or width, or even different sizes for each foot, our custom shoes service ensures a comfortable and precise fit that off-the-shelf options can't rival with.

Unveiling The Best Of Neapolitan Tailoring In Montreal

We are thrilled to announce about our exclusive partnership with Saint Gregory’s, an atelier rooted in the heart of Naples, dedicated to the tradition of Neapolitan tailoring excellence.

Rediscover the experience of luxury and comfort with our custom knitwear collection

We invite you to rediscover the unparalleled luxury of our custom-made 100% cashmere knitwear, lovingly handcrafted in Italy by Paolamela.

Customized perfection… Meet the overshirt

In our commitment to providing you with exceptional style and quality, we are proud to introduce our latest line of made-to-measure products: the overshirts.


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